I had ADHD…?

It looks like I had ADHD until puberty (in the ’90)

Somehow the hyperactivity got lost during getting a „grown up“.

In November 2015 I received medical supplies. And as the medication works as expexted: it is ADD.

ADHD without the H.

translating adhd-data from austria

as already reported here, a few translated sentences (starting with page 19)
Source (PDF – german)

The analyse includes data of 13.699 patients who received drugs on behalf of social insurances containing Methylphenidate or Atomoxetine for the time of 2008-2011.

1.012 patients = 7,4 % received their drug using more than one social insurance.

Raw data

2008 6066
2009 7499
2010 8225
2011 8171

Cleaned up data

2008 5524
2009 6628
2010 7242
2011 8171

Age and sex (page 20)

Year male female female%
2008 4.532 990 18%
2009 5.390 1.255 19%
2010 5.823 1.444 20%
2011 5.774 1.503 21%

By Age (data of 2011) – page 21

2011 male female
1-10 28% 20%
11-20 57% 38%
21-30 7% 13%
31-40 4% 11%
41-50 2% 9%
51-60 1% 5%
above 60 1% 3%

Table 5 (page 22)

Year 2010 age 1 – 10 age 11 – 20
total population male 412588 490962
total population female 392325 476736
patients receiving either Methylphenidate or Atomoxetine – male 1630 3319
patients receiving either Methylphenidate or Atomoxetine – female 289  549

Table 6: patients receiving antidepressant drugs for 2009

year patients male female
2009 715554 31,8% – 227546

ADHD-data in Austria

In Austria the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit) published some interesting data on ADHD – take a look on the PDF pp 19.

AD(H)S – Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit/Hyperaktivitäts-Störung

Aufgrund der steigenden Verordnungszahlen von Methylphenidat sowie Atomoxetin zur Behandlung von Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit/Hyperaktivitäts-Störung AD(H)S wurde der Bericht AD(H)S – Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit/Hyperaktivitäts-Störung erarbeitet. Im Bericht werden diagnostische und therapeutische Vorgehen definiert, die als institutionsübergreifender Standard für den ambulanten Bereich empfohlen werden können. Demnach ist eine gesicherte Diagnose nur auf Grundlage einer mehrdimensionalen Abklärung im Sinne einer multiaxialen Diagnostik zu stellen. Analog zum mehrdimensionalen Ansatz der Diagnostik ist auch die Behandlung umfassend. Der Bericht beinhaltet auch Handlungsempfehlungen.


Source: AD(H)S-Bericht (2013) (PDF 3645 KB) – german

lit: Dietary supplement

You know vitamins and nutrition?
Maybe you already know the wikipedia article on „Dietary supplement“?

wikipedia – english – 158 lines of source-text – taking for 100%
wikipedia – german – 95 lines of source-text – that’s a 95/158 = 63,33%
wikipedia – polish – 17 lines of source-text – that’s a 17/158 = 11,33% of the information contained in the english version

Or do polish people know 88,87% less about it?

My conclusion: There are quite many chapters missing in the last one 🙂

Let’s flip a coin

maybe you know the game of coin flipping (Wikipedia (english))

It’s about statistics, mathematics, probability, physics, …

When you throw a coin you would expect it to either land on one or the other side. Throw it a hundred times and there should be a 50% chance you might guess the outcome.

Yes, should.

But what happens if it will not land on either side but on the edge?

You count it as edge, but still throw it 100 times and the results for the sides are not 50% anymore

Side A = 49/100 = 49%
Side B = 50/100 = 50%
edge = 1/100 = 1%

And what if you do not count it and throw again for 100 times?

Side A = 50/100 = 50%
Side B = 50/100 = 50%

but wait … where is the edge? And why are we throwing 101 times? So we must adjust the numbers

Side A = 50/101 = 49,5%
Side B = 50/101 = 49,5%
invalid = 1/101 = 0,99% so we round it up to 1%

So let’s flip again … Did you read the wikipedia-article above? Remember section „Coin landing on its edge in fiction„?

Well that chance is 1 to 6000 meaning 0,016% … a lot less than the 1% above.

As you see, it is sometimes hard to put numbers in relation. A so called fifty-fifty chance might not be really what you think it is. Whenever presenting numbers I will try to provide you with the raw data so you can play with the numbers on your own. Your mileage may vary depending on the point ov view.

Reading my own biography

my son has a diagnozed F90. ADHD. The german word is Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS)

So i started to read the german wikipedia article

Then the english one.

And as i had to … the polish too.

But in no single article i really suspected i could have it on my own.

Until i received a link to www.adhs.ch and namely to an ebook by Pierro Rossi in german language. 

Reading that book (386 pages) was like reading my own biography. Like reading in my own diary. 

If you suspect you have it or you want to understand the people who have it, try it.

eBook ADHS: Informationen über die ADHS bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen. Für Betroffene, Angehörige und Fachpersonen.

Link to pdf download (as of 25. Aug. 2015 free of charge)

Who will win that war?

no, it is not a war like you know it from tv.

This war is about facts, knowledge and mathematics on one side.

And predjudice, fud, and stupid … Ok … uninformed people on the other side.

There are people who did their homework:

  • Scientists
  • Medical (doctors, psychology …)
  • Teachers
  • Parents

And there are … Well these are

  • Antipsychiatry
  • Scientology
  • Nutrition/vitamin-fanatics
  • People who want to earn money
  • People who want to influence and gain power
  • People already influenced
  • People who do not know the facts

There are of course

  • Companies who sell medical supplies

And as it seems the people who are affected most of all but with the smallest power

  • KIDS

As for now nobody has won anything. But I hope that we will not harm too many kids.